James Yoo, the owner of the Virginia house that exploded, allegedly has a YouTube channel and are commenting on it
Researchers believe they have found James Yoo’s YouTube channel, but what is more strange is the fact that he is posting in the comments of his house being blown up (the “grain of salt / alleged YouTube channel can be found HERE ). It is impossible to say whether it is indeed James Yoo, even if it is confirmed to be his account - since government agencies or unknowns could be in control of it now:
source: https://twitter.com/based_coach1/status/1731900923163627573
YouTube source: https://www.youtube.com/@JamesYoo_
The account was created on November 9, 2023 and has only two videos. One video is the now-famous video of the house blowing up while the police are in mid-raid; the other video is of what the alleged James Yoo states that they killed one of his parents, i.e., "They killed my mom".
Saved here: http://web.archive.org/save/https://www.youtube.com/@JamesYoo_
*Note that if someone was to spoof the account after the fact it would not be a complex problem - you would just need to change the name of the YouTube channel and the profile picture - as well as a few other things.
The image quality is poor, but it is blown up below. It mentions that Kim Dae Jung (former President of South Korea, Nobel Peace Prize recipient in 2000) is in the picture, along with Dr. Ki Hong Yoo (James and Alen Yoo’s father). I would assume that this is the James Yoo in question. In the comments to the video—which is a still image—James Yoo states that they forced his sister to become an international spy:
I tried a reverse image search, of course, but the picture is maybe too blurry, and I did not pull up any original source image, which means it is likely something that would need to be sourced at an archive:
There is some writing on the image, like a signature or handwriting, but it is unreadable.
Here are some of his most interesting comments - he states that he works in high level security - that all the systems in the United States have back doors in them for spying on people and eludes to something happening on the 7th of Dec 2023:
The following are a general record of the comments on the video: